You may wonder why a lot of us at Tameside Karate are slightly Cobra Kai Mad! Well besides it being an awesome series, that is just brilliant to watch, we are the only club in England with a Direct Link to it. You see for those of you the remember the original karate kid films, you will know the iconic Mr Miyagi . He taught Danial San, the “Karate Do way”, and put Sensei John Kreese in his place without raising his hands, with the exception of honking his nose!

Mr Miyagi was played by the wonderful Noriyuki "Pat" Morita , but his stunts were done by our Chief instructor Shihan Fumio Demura. A lot of our Senior Grades have all trained with Shihan Demura on seminars both in and out of the UK, and the black belts have been graded by him and Sensei Julian has done physical grading with him up to 6th Dan. He did not just do Karate kid, but also a raft of other films. Pat and Shihan always remained close friends right up till when Pat Died in 2005.
If you get time, look for a short film called the Real Miyagi and also William Christopher Ford (who was also in karate kid 3) and has one of the best martial arts clubs in LA, has done a fantastic Short Documentary called “The last Dojo”. Both give you a amazing incite in to Shihan Demura, who he has taught, films he has been in, the dojo he had and the man who real was Mr Miyagi ! So if you have not watched Cobra Kai or even the original Karate Kid Films now is the time to do so! Sensei Sharon .